Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Against Growing Government Controls

Within this article want to declare I Am for good government, but also point out how I have seen legalized atrocities against humanity. Laws can stifle initiative, and even hinder job creation, guaranteeing continued outsourcing. Laws can be extremely discriminating, never able to judge on merit, once established. Through misguided laws, many with good wholesome intentions, have caused the erosion of our inalienable rights within our republic, which is almost no more. Mostly because we have forsaken the highest laws written upon our hearts. Accepting lower standards, many woman have totally lost the meaning of what it is to be a woman. The loss was empowered by law. National and international atrocities have been legalized by law against a gender, and against people of different COLOR. Some of the worst horrors against America’s own indigenous people, the Native Americans. Legalized by law.
Accepting Good Government
I believe in good government, in government recognizing its role, a government staying within it’s rights, but not in a government that overreaches through deception of its citizens or dictatorship.

In reading House Bill 2744, there are basic amendments to include Sheltered Workshops under the tentacles or the claws of the government together with the existing Adult Day Care Act and ugly discrimination within it. This Bill exposes a great deal wrong within our society. As a nation turning its back upon the Most High God, and thereby, rejecting His laws being written upon our hearts, it has become necessary for flawed human laws, made by human-gods, who very often are a law unto themselves. Rejecting the golden rules of God, we are to become a policed State. No longer sovereign entities within a Republic, we have become as citizens of the State under mob rule. If we’re all reduced to being citizens of the State, then we are nothing better than clients. Clients, have no privacy. Clients lose many inalienable rights.

Legalized Atrocities
It was human laws that discriminated in this country against, first equality for women, then the Native Americans who were driven from their own lands, then the imported Black slave labor, treated as mere commodities, and then the most vicious of human laws that legalize, and thereby permit the killing, the slaughter, the vicious massacre of the unborn babies, and the ongoing fight those with disabilities have for inclusion in our society.

We ought to all be extremely enraged at the legalized atrocities against humanity. Sadly, as I express the facts, it will be cast off as mere anger; my outspokenness will put people off, instead of drawing people to become far more enraged with me. It’s as if, standing for what is right, for justice, I’m in the minority. This is so wrong. John Adams, feared most the evils of democracy for he saw in it that which would be nothing less than mob rule. So please, as I vent here against the system and its atrocities, get out of the uncaring, leave me alone, I’m doing OK mentality, and place yourself in the shoes of those whom evil is carried out against in the name of law or respectability.

Doing nothing, and you could find yourself a victim to that which can only get worse under the current way of doing things. I voice very strongly here for the underdog. Yet, be very wary of pre-judging me. I will not give you as a hint why now, but to do so, and you might end up feeling a little embarrassed. That would not be good.

Laws Can Stifle Initiative: Job Creation
We do not require more governmental controls within the United States of America, and hence, not within any State of the United States of America, and that will include the State of Oklahoma. Many of the laws are stifling, crippling, or killing initiative of the American people. Some so harsh, many job opportunities are outsourced to countries with very limited standards. Then our honorable politicians, our legislatures have the cheek to promise job creating opportunities.

Laws are Discriminating, Not Always Regarding Merit
There are people who have a heart for adults who require day care and sheltered workshop environments, who have far more compassion than those legally allowed to attend to them. Some of these potential workers, have been on the wrong side of the law, or societies standards. They messed up. ’Fessed up, and made right. Many perpetrating abuse, were as predators, bullying, and victimizing others. Then, in the system, they became victimized. There is a vicious cycle keeping firmly established the culture of victims and bullies. We all know by instinct, this to be true, but rather than really address the ill, we’ll call for due process, research and/or investigation, all the time allowing the mischief of the law, enthroned in iniquity to proceed.
Nearly every human being knows first hand what it is to be a victim, and even what it is to victimize others. Yet, in their wrong doing many have come to have a far deeper understanding of the wrongs within what they did to err and then also a developed deeper comprehension of the wrongs within what is often deemed to be acceptable in society. Many respectable people have passed laws that legalize the professionals to kill, without as much as a inkling of sadness. Yet, through inconsiderate, extremely discriminating laws written by people who are exactly that, mere human beings, lacking insight, foresight, and then also knowledge and wisdom, for as humans we do not know it all. Rather than being too hasty to make laws, we ought to be far more hesitant, realizing, what appears to be correct under certain scenarios are atrocities under other scripts of our existence. Laws can be extremely discriminating. There is often no merit attached to them, for laws in themselves cannot reason. Even within our country a the moment, the supreme justices of the top court in America, can very seldom agree. Decisions nearly always coming down on party lines.

The Replaced Republic
I have to say that America is a republic, when I know in my heart, by the atrocities against the Constitution, it has ceased being a republic, a long time ago. America as a republic, with Constitutional Representation by elected officials, it was to strengthen the people, not to cage, imprison, bind, and shackle the people with restrictions and demands for fees, licenses or permits which are just other forms of excessive taxes upon the people. To cruelly tax the people, taking from one to give a handout to another, is a form of legalized theft. House Bill 2744 includes application fees and license payments made to bureaucratic offices manned by the unelected, the appointed, and sometimes they are appointed for life, and almost always have a bureaucratic elitism about them, coming across as being the lords and masters of the common people. While there is some due process, it is very seldom on the side of the everyday citizen. Many of these government enterprises become a law unto themselves, doing what they deem to be right in their own eyes.

Within a republic, the people are sovereign entities, with God-given inalienable rights. Yet, we would not believe this in the lie that is sold to us over and over again by the Main Stream Media and elected officials, who treat us, ‘we the people’, as citizens of a democratic state. As citizens in a democratic state, we have been reduced to a form of mob rule, whereby the elected officials act as an oligarchy: The elite ruling the ignorant or stupid people who do not know any better.
We Have Lost Our Inalienable Rights
As citizens of the state, we have therefore lost our individual sovereignty, becoming more subjects of the State. Within a republic, ‘we the people’, with sovereign, inalienable rights, are served by the State, the State being subject to ‘we the people’. However, in the ‘mob-rule democracy’ that our country has become, those elected, are not always the best persons, the statesmen, but all too often the elected are the money mongrels or Charismatic Smiling Mouthful of Teeth aliens far separated and hence, out of touch with ‘we the people’. Under these rulers, these despots, we find ourselves lumped with dictators who serve themselves and the system, rather than ‘we the people’. Hence, in this ‘mob-rule democracy’, come oligarchy, we have, ourselves, become slaves to the State, but particularly to the oligarchy who work at turning ‘we the people’ into mere clients. Clients to the State have no privacy, for the State invades nearly every aspect of the client’s life, and not only the life of the individual client, but also the lives of family members associated or related to the client in question. The client is subject to the State and not the State to the citizen. For there are very little sovereign or inalienable rights left. We have rejected the theocratic sovereignty through the passed abuses of religious systems gone horribly awry. Tossing out the proverbial baby with the dirty bath water, we did not want to establish another State ruled by evil religious entities. Under a theocratic rule, we fulfil a holy God’s ways,. Not always so under the rules, the laws of man, which are very often written to favor the rich against the poor, the educated against the so-called uneducated and the strong against the weak, or the White against the Native American, or the Black person; the man above the woman. Now, against very nature, many within the homosexual society, playing the victim, often aggressively, through pro-activity, demand superior rights.

Forsaken the High Laws, We Make Inferior Laws
With God’s laws written within our hearts, we recognize within our own sovereignty, not just an obedience to God’s laws designed for what is best for all humanity, but also the sovereign rights of others. Simply, the golden rule comes into effect, "We’ll do for others what we’d like to be done for ourselves, and we would never violate another person’s rights, fully understanding, how we’d hate our own rights being violated".

Religious leader abuses caused many to reject the Most High God. Within the laws of the Most High God, defined as natures laws within the Constitution, there is no place for perversion. Being subject to Most High God is coming under theocratic rule. Theocracy in its truest form is not being subject to a clergy/laity system, which is mere religion, where the religious leaders are another form of an oligarchy. Most churches today, for example, are not under the authority of the Most High God, but under the dictates of the man-lords. It was this man-lord system within the Roman Catholic Church and the Church of England, the reformers gave their lives to oppose. Yet, not only have we forgotten their work, their sacrifice, but we all too often, in our own ignorance of the Most High God and his love for us, have reinstated the man-lord system.

Many people with a right mind are recognizing the religious atrocities of the leaders against the everyday Christians, but all too often, because of the abuses of a leadership gone horribly wrong, they also reject the good and wholesome laws of the Most High God. It is this God, the Founding Fathers of this nation acknowledged, or at least nearly 56 of the 58 of them. Even then, the doubting Thomas’ among them also expressed some acknowledgment to the well being of the country being subject to the people’s obedience to the ways of Jesus Christ. In today’s world, under the hand of the revisionists, and the education system driven by a deceptive or underhanded agenda, you’d not believe this. We have strayed from the principles of the nation’s founding fathers. This House Bill reveals this wrongful path, this unacceptable course the nation’s people are determining for themselves. Simply, we have rejected or are rejecting God’s laws, for man’s laws. Man tends to favor a bias. The Most High God is not partial, favoring neither the rich, nor the poor, not the intellectual, nor the slow thinking.

I therefore strongly object to the state reaching out with its tentacles, it’s claws, it jaws full of shark-like teeth, to include another aspect of the free enterprise system, and bring it into subjection for fees, licenses, and controls, as this House Bill 2744 perpetuates.

Horrific State Institution Abuses
When the system ran the state institutions there were the most horrific abuses within them. Even allowing people with developmental disabilities, for example, to be experimented on as some form of guinea pigs by the very elite, the physicians and scientists. Most people within these institutions were overjoyed at their release, and are horrified at the thought of a return. Hence, not everything the state provides is good. We frowned upon Hitler, and were disgusted at his practice against the holocaust victims and their families, but also against those people with developmental disabilities. Yet, many within the United States Institutions were often practicing the same experimental atrocities against persons with developmental and physical disabilities.

A respected Harvard professor, Kingsley had obviously permitted molestation of minors in his research papers, but in the name of science, his work is still held in high regard by many, instead of being rejected as wicked atrocities against defenseless minors. His work is still protected by due process gone horribly wrong. Not only was his research a crime against the children, but also against humanity itself. Then, even in our day, we still abort little defenseless babies, before they’re even given a chance. Hitler is said to be responsible for some 20 million deaths. Within America, millions upon million of defenseless little babies have been slaughtered, butchered, massacred in the name of respectable politicians and judges, selfish over-reaching woman’s body rights, and/or prosperity. And because there were laws allowing these horrors, these people perpetrating these crimes against innocents and humanity were not brought to justice. Not all laws are good for all. Laws can be very discriminating. Extremely evil. Just because they were on the books, did not make them right. Judges, reached beyond their limits, incorrectly interpreting the law, instead of applying the laws, and hence, interpreting laws at their own whims, legislated from the bench.

Abandoned Womanhood, by Law
Consider what it is to be a woman for a moment.

What is a woman?

She was created in the first instance with a man. God created Mankind. Male and female, He created them. There is immediate equality. He is not superior, She is not inferior. Admittedly, the body of the man was formed first. This only to portray order, not superiority verse inferiority. She, taken from man, has a body molded and shaped for her. A body with differences, just as male and female already declare differences. She is womb-man. She shows forth charateristics, strengths and weakness, different to those from men. And yet, in the words of the advoates with persons with disabilities, she is more alike than different. Different she is. She carries life within her, coming to some degree to maybe appreciate, how Adam carried her within himself, not willing to abort her. A womb-man is a very special entity. Much more compassionate. Designed, not just to carry forth the life, but to protect and nature it. A woman’s natural makeup is to protect and nurture life. She’ll normally even protect the baby, the child of another, for her entire being is established around nurturing. This is woman!

What happened?

I see an entity that very much reassembles her. A profoundly beautiful entity. Nothing as beautiful. Astounding. A wonderful wonder. Appears gentle, soft and caring. No outward appearance of nastiness or aggression, and yet, through some reprogramming, some brainwashing, here and there, and this entity became a ruthless, selfish killer.

A murderer, and an accomplice to murder over and over again.

What happened?

We even elect people to represent us, who have lost the very essence of what it is to protect life!

We celebrate them in a whose who magazines. We support the films they make. We uphold them as model citizens.



We even legalized the slaughter of millions and millions of babies who could not defend themselves. We elected officials to make these laws. We appointed judges to legislate from the bench and permit murder. And yet, in the name of law, in the name of respectability, we honor these people. We respect and honor them above sometimes people who have messed up once ot twice. How can this be?
National and International Atrocities, by Law
Prior to the Sixties, people of color and gender were discriminated against. I’m from southern Africa, where we were mostly only upholding policies of the Anglo-American conglomerates. However, when we wanted to improve the living conditions for our black people, the rulers from the Anglo-America world would not permit us to do so, in the name of profitability.

We were severely punished for laws of segregation, South Africa particularly, mocked, ridiculed, maligned, criticized and ultimately forced to change its apartheid rule, as was Rhodesia before was before it. We were made the scapegoat for the big corporate companies rulings. Americans blindly allowed their elected officials to run havoc over my country, Rhodesia. Yet, it was in Rhodesia, that my great-grandfather, gave a piece of land to the families working on his farm. He gave them every seventh year as a sabbatical to work their own herds and the lands entrusted to them? None of your media reporters reported this kindness. It didn’t suit the agenda. Americans were willfully ignorant. Was it to deflect the Accusing finger of heaven away from America? It didn’t work! You’re still accountable for the atrocities against people’s within this land. Do you constantly want to add to these atrocities, by supporting a bill, you probably don’t even care about?

Rhodesia, now known as Zimbabwe, is an utter failure, a largely ignored chamber of horror story, wherein there are atrocities perpetrated against the people by a charismatic, highly educated monster. Yet, placed there by the highly educated elected officials of the so-called civilized Anglo-American United Nations world. Zimbabwe, is almost destroyed by interfering elected officials. Jimmy Carter, most guilty. I call the heavens and the earth to witness the blood on his hands. Yet, he still interferes, even in the affairs of Israel to this day, blindly accusing Israel, which is the most democratic state in the Middle East. He sides with people who have no rightful claim to the land, being refugees from other Arab countries. This is of no consequence to Carter in his anti-Jew stance. Is the man a reincarnated Hitler? Interfering when progress was being made in Rhodesia, but doing nothing while almost holocaust like atrocities are being carried out against the people in Zimbabwe to this day. All acceptable because it is legal by a dictator’s laws. All acceptable, while our elites, our elected officials appear in periodicals shouting out their own praises, often in bodies screaming a louder message, Me glutton, and an uncontrolled one at that. Here again, God’s natural laws against gluttony, utterly frowned upon.

Yet, here in the United States of America, we have equally discriminating laws against the citizens of this country, dating back to the days of it’s beginnings. While we are increasing class and social discrimination, the rich against the poor, the educated against the so-called uneducated, the stars against the spectators, producing a culture of bullies and victims, all acceptable to the standards of society, but as evil as racism or wrongful gender discrimination, there is the discrimination against those who have erred.

While there has been some progress. Those incarcerated, are not in prisons any more, as much as they are in the politically correct, Correctional Centers. A mere term. A useless term, as most political correctness is. I perceive a good goal, but made utterly useless and ineffective by the continual and existing laws against those who erred, sometimes only once within their lives. A convicted felon, a past criminal, not permitted to function in many spheres with the United States. Worse than a three fifths citizen, a slave, and worse than a fraction of a human being, a Native American, ill treated by a legal America government. There is a convicted person, current or passed, is a mere non-citizen. Not even a fraction of a citizen.

What? Maybe a two-fifths alien? Three-fifths dirt, slime, and all things not nice.

The way that these people who had a social disability, a moral disability is treated denies the very concept of a correctional facility. It denies the goal, the good intent. There is, for these disabled people, no real meaningful rehabilitation. No correction. They’re diseased by laws, an inescapable disease. Laws carried out way to extreme. The laws determining them ‘incurable’.

Why even have a correctional facility?

Why not do as Hitler did, and put them through a gas chamber? Annihilate them. Holding them forever guilty is a very denial to the founding ideals of this nation.

For two weeks the first settlers to this country would not venture off the ship, praying and fasting, dedicating and consecrating themselves to the Most High God. When they came off the ship, and landed on the beach, they set up a flag. Not to the King of England. Not to a country. They set the flag and dedicated their ventures on the new land to the LORD Jesus Christ. The last time I read of Him, He was willingly to let the repentant one go free, with the instruction to sin no more. He believed in His power to change lives.
Our American system, supposedly dedicated to Him, at least initially, doesn’t believe in its power to correct. Once a felon, and even more so within Oklahoma, a State that tends to pride itself in its God-believing heritage, has no concept of a reformed behavior, for here it is, "Once a felon, always a felon!"
An evil discrimination.

You do the crime, you do the time, but a perpetual blight against a person for that’s person’s entire life, portrays characteristics, worse than the eternal slew foot, the old crooked serpent, the devil himself. There can be no respect for such behavior, legalized or otherwise.

Hence, I find this House Bill 2744 discriminating and distasteful to the very fibre of the inalienable rights of persons who had erred but have since corrected their wrongful behavior. It is a very blight against even those we regard as respectable.

House Bill 2744 ought to be destroyed and removed from the records as having ever existed. It’s a blight against humanity. This is putting it very mildly! In the most polite of terms possible. It doesn’t deserve anything better. I cannot vote for more taxes, more government controls, ever growing to exceed the abilities of the people to uphold it. We’re sure heading towards the Karl Marx/Joseph Stalin food lines!

Protections Against Criminals in Adult Day Care

While I have worked with those disenfranchised, and as a pastor, visited correctional facilities, I seen both sides of the spectrum. Humans are not always pretty. Many incarcerated, are repeat offenders, who have learnt to play the system. Giving false promises for release, they don’t always hold true to the promises. Yet, there is also a high percentage of people who have broken the law, who become model citizens.

Are we to punish all, for the offending bunch?

It’s easy to say, Yes, but we are all totally familiar with the labels against societies charlatans. There is hardly a profession that is not included. Some of the most ruthless, are the most respected. Unduly respected, but then, that is modern society. Does this mean, we are to hold all professionals as guilty charlatans, when it is only a few who have learnt to play the system more expertly than others?

I’ve worked many years at extending a rope of grace, towards wanting a better society. However often see we are overpowered by the legalized Big Brother Bully, over and over again.
Ministered in Correctional Facilities
For many years, as a pastor, was also an itinerant minister between McAlford Correctional Facility, McCloud Half-way House, and the local county jails. I was privileged to meet some real genuine believers, who had fully turned from their erring ways.

Sadly, they were in the minority.

Repeat Offenders, Playing the System
Most people who were incarcerated were repeat offenders. In Marietta Oklahoma, wanting to file a complaint against gangster-like youth, was shown several files by the Chief of Police. Some were at least an inch and a half thick. He said these youngsters have learnt to play the system often knowing the laws better than the law enforcement officers. He went on to elaborate, that on many occasions the Department of Human Services, protected the children against any meaningful discipline from their wrongful behavior. A good intent, gone horribly wrong. AND so it was with most within the correctional facilities. They had learnt to play the system. All too often coached that way by well intentioned professionals.

"You’re going to court, or before the parole board, be sure to wear a suit, or at least a tie! You have to create a good impression."

"Create a good impression!" An invitation to win one’s own Oscar for a remarkable performance. All too often, that is all it amounted to; an outstanding act.

I’ve seen the erring ones, and heard them before their buddies, acting all macho. Rude. Tough, arrogant. Full of pride and bravado. Some with the meanest, the most threatening behavior imaginable. Some beyond what you could even believe possible. As much as Hollywood exaggerates and dramatizes for effect, even they only get it only half right.

You then see this same macho maniac standing before a judge or the parole board. And you’d think he was meek, mild, and mellow Saint Augustine himself. Smooth suit. Hair trimmed and combed. Teeth cleaned. Clean shaven. Smiling gently, and then looking extremely embarrassed, shamed, and disgraced that he could actually have done the wrong. Many a Mother Teresa, has been played there too.

The False Promises
There is the long deep apologies to hurt family members, and then to society as a whole. Followed by encouraging descriptions of turned about ways. "I’m reading the Bible daily, attending the weekly church services. I have volunteered for different services, and taken on improving my education! It’s been months, years since I have been called for any disciplining." The facility officials confirm the model behavior.

They have a term for this, I forget what exactly. Something like, Pardoning Religion.

They have learnt to play the system. Most with no intent, or at least very little determination to stay clean. Look! This world is tough. It can be extremely unforgiving. Even the rose garden is full of thorns.

Genuine Turn-Around
However, when wrong has been perpetrated, not only is there a repentance, a turning around from evil to face and follow after good, but there is also restitution necessary. It’s also about going way past making right for the wrong done. I enjoy a verse in the old King James Version of the Bible stating, we ought to avenge our disobedience. I understand this to mean, not only do we make right, paying back were we have erred, but we also go way beyond pay back, and create opportunities to do good in the area we fell.

As a very young Christian I still had a heavy foot on the pedal. I’d pray and my foot would get heavier.

So once I determined to pray on my knees the whole day. I’ve done so for seven hours a day, and three weeks at a time. I wanted my life different. After the day’s prayer...

A thought came to me, "If you find yourself going ten miles an hour over the speed limit, for the rest of your journey, travel at twenty miles an hour below the speed limit!"

I did so.

That was decades ago, and I’m pretty much a driver who drives way within the limit, but not only that have become a defensive driver. Not only taking into account my own possibility to err, but making added space for those who could err before me and behind me. Not only did I avenge my own disobedience, but I’m wary of others erring, and make allowances for them.

Where a young woman who had an abortion, and or even a young man who supported it. A meaningless loss of a life. Not only do you admit your selfishness, and never be part of an abortion again, but you go out of your way to learn what it is to a woman again. A womb-man. A person created to, not only bring forth life, but to nurture it, to protect it, re-enlightening the natural characteristic of what is to be a womb-man, and then a mother. Then to avenge the disobedience, the taking of a life, you determine to educate other young men and woman to regard life, a baby’s life as precious. In so doing you don’t only save one life, two lives, that you might bring forth directly, but three, four, five, ten, twenty. It is possible to have a complete heart change for the better.

However, those who have a complete heart change, are very few and far between.

Mostly, an erring one, is an erring one still.

Punishing All, Because of the Few
So do we punish all for the erring ways of some? Even if they are in the majority, do we punish all? What if the Most High God were this way? Could we even believe in Him? Most cannot, and yet, these same people who reject the Most High God, are often willing to elect mere men and women among themselves, and appoint them to some kind of God status. Yet, they’re very, very flawed.
A mayor of a city told me many stories of people caught on the highway. They would be speeding. On examination, they’d have no driver’s license, no insurance, a tail light out, but not only all that, have up to five hundred thousand dollars of marijuana in the vehicle. A lawless one is usually a lawless one fully. The law of the majority rule. "If you’ve done wrong, you’re likely a wrong doer. Period!

AND so, we have the laws to protect Adult Day Care Centers and also to be included for the proposed inclusion of Sheltered Workshops for the disabled. Laws to protect the citizens from the wrongful behavior of felons. Once a person has broken the laws, the statistics are heaped against that person. There is as much as an eighty to ninety percent chance that the felon, will commit another crime against humanity.

The Dangers of Being Lenient
I know people who have served time for decades, or decades ago, having walked a relatively straight and narrow ever since. Yet, they’re in the minority. Most will not only recommit the offence, but sometimes, all too often, there are those who will go on to commit worse crimes.

Who can afford to take that chance?

What if the crime is child molestation?

Can the individual ever be trusted again?

Yes, but the statistics show, that only the minority can ever be trusted again.
How do we know the difference between a truly repentant one, and a continued learnt-nothing- don’t-care violator? It is extremely difficult. It’s almost impossible. Not entirely impossible, but most certainly, almost impossible.

Societies Labeled Charlatans
So we have politicians. We have car salesmen! We have the preachers, and the pastors. Don’t even bring up the attorneys, the lawyers and the judges.

Charlatans, by the dime and the dozen. When I first came to America, was shocked at how little we really trust one another, and yet, also how gullible we can be. Tending to be on our guard against the truly genuine ones, but all too eager to fall for the lying promises. Yet, there are a few good judges, lawyers, attorneys, preachers or pastors, car salesmen and politicians. Hard to believe, but true. I struggle with these people all the time. The Main Stream Media reporters, I have no respect for at all. I find it extremely difficult to honor a liberal, a democrat or a progressive. Yet, I have determined to relate to one and all.

Giving a Rope of Grace
I have often, very regularly, been asked, "Ivan, how could you be so gracious to that person, after all they have done to you?"

I reply, "I have been given a rope of grace, and as I’ve been given a rope of grace, I entrust them the rope of grace also. Used correctly it will help them, it will rescue them. I give them the benefit of the doubt. If they misuse it, the rope of grace, becomes the very rope by which they hang themselves. And as they hang themselves, I’ll not be responsible. I wish them no ill, will not be revengeful, for I gave them a chance. It’s their own misuse that will be their own downfall. And so I approach everyone that way, the liberal, the democrat, the progressive, the attorney, the lawyer, the judge, the policeman, the politician, and the preacher and the pastor. I even extend the hand of friendship to the felons.

Regularly, I have to look in the mirror and extend to myself, a rope of grace. Most describe me as being too hard on myself. But I have erred. I have been given chances, over and over again. Still fall here and there, but, I have also seen progress. I know how dangerous it is to pat oneself on the back, for we all tend to be biased. However, even as we determine to give this House Bill approval to protect those within the Adult Day Care and Sheltered Workshop Centers, we also need to find a way not to, with a general blanket, discriminate against all.

I have intervened for others, many times.

Once, I came across two black men. One, with a brick in his hand, chasing another with a knife in his.

I jumped in between, calling for restraint and reason.

The man with the brick, stopped, and slurred out, not entirely from the drink, but also from the cut in his face, from cheekbone to jaw bone, exposing his tongue, teeth and throat, "Look what he has done to me!"

"So you kill him with the brick, what does that leave his family to do to you? Kill you with a gun? Can’t you see it can become another tribal warfare?"
Fortunately he listened. Stupid of me, or brave?

We ought to show some faith in the entire concept of the Correctional Centers, not as being mere prisons, but just that, Correctional Facilities. And if they are not working too well, also address the issue of things being done differently within them.

Our entire culture is founded upon a system of bullies and victims.
At school, the big and the strong, beating up on the small and the weak; having learnt most of it from the adults, where the rich beat up on the poor, the educated intellectuals, exploiting the uneducated common laborer; the officials pretending a representation of the people, but often in a reality, becoming as an uncountable oligarchy. And so on and so forth.

Sadly the few good, are often outnumbered by the selfish many.

Our entire American Constitution was written by men fully understanding the devious ways of mankind, and hence, the system of checks and balances. We have almost eliminated them entirely. The like-minded, mostly the brainwashed, are within every branch, and even the outside government checks and balances, have been eradicated, by the same bird of a feather group: our press reporters and church leaders, are not even a reliable defense against being played by the system anymore. We’ve kicked God out of our schools, our places of business, our gatherings, and even out of our churches. We are left to our devises. It’s not pretty.

Working Towards a Better Society
With the right laws, established by the right emotions and attitudes, we can work at producing a better society. I tend to believe, we can only do so, conscious of being accountable to an Almighty God. And that is a lot more than my own tiny little opinion. Will you accept my extended rope of grace? If I discriminate against a felon, whether good or bad, what is to hold me back from discriminating against a pastor, a politician, or just another human being, for being just that, a human being?

Where does it end?

When we write laws, I think a great deal more thought needs to go into exactly what we’re doing.
As hard as a I try, I can still not support this Bill.

I see the erring ways of convicted felons, and the likelihood of them repeating the offences. Yet, I also see an entire system that upholds a culture of victims and bullies, and it is often the rulers who are the bullies. This does not mean I do not respect most officials. I give them the respect due, and do not want any malicious harm against any of them. Justice, true justice is from the courts of heaven. Not me! Not a single human being is guiltless enough, to hold them accountable. Certainly not me! God is, and hence, I leave them to His hands.
For this House Bill to become the law of the State, means that no facility within the entire State is free from the malicious controls of the State, and it’s discrimination practices. Within the Bible, there were cities of refuge, to where an offender could flee, and find some relative peace and safety. To some degree, our Correctional Facilities are these cities of refuge. For not only is the community safe from the wrongful behavior of an erring one, but also the erring one, the offender, is safe from revenge that can go horribly wrong. We have the half-way houses, where those convicted, and who had served their time, can ease back into society. Yet, they’re never really ever accepted back into society, except in a few exceptional circumstances. Yet, there are many people in America, who need a way out of the system’s rat race. They need to be given employment and housing opportunities, not in some kind of welfare state, that is extremely degrading, but in some kind of self-help community. Those who have successfully changed helping others on the way. We can work at developing a life together, no matter what our past, of even in the light of our past, both good and bad.

For HB 2744 to be passed, there is no free way for this community to come into being, whereby people who have messed up in the passed can be free of discrimination.

The Established Bully
I read in an Oklahoman magazine, that Federal law trumps State law. This is an evil. In the same way, State law ought not to trump a county law, which ought not to trump a village, town or city law, which ought not to trump a business, a church, or a family law. The Federal law ought not to violate the Constitution, period. Just as a family ought not to violate it either. Yet, there is the higher law of the Most High God still. The Constitution ought never to violate it. It is supreme, and not subject to man-laws. Man-laws ought to conform to God-laws, and not the other way round. AND in the heart of the laws of the Most High God is to love one another; never do to another what you would not want done to you, or do to others as you would have them do to you. This is at the heart of respecting and honoring one another.

Outside Information
Some fifty-seven percent of convicted felons have had a previous conviction1. But some forty-three percent did not! The new ‘N’ word is an ‘F’ word; felon. A high percentage of young black men have been convicted.2. "Once you’re branded as a felon, all the old forms of discrimination – employment discrimination, housing discrimination, denial of the right to vote, denial of educational opportunity, denial of food stamps and other public benefits, and exclusion from jury service – are suddenly legal 2. David Plotz, at Slate writes of increasing numbers of convicts returning to society, in his, Ex-con Nation. The major negative for me in the article was the fact that George Soros funds studies to help convict re-entry. Soros, in my opinion, is no friend to conservative America. Poltz deals with some hard realities, but ends the article calling for actions, both for and against their re-entry 3.
